Monday, July 2, 2012

Birthday Countdown

My baby is one. How did that happen? In order to celebrate, I wanted to do something creative to celebrate the last few days before Casey's first birthday.

As many of you know, I am a huge fan of photo series and countdowns, so I wanted to come up with a fun way to document the big countdown.

Here's what I came up with: a daily photoshoot. I made a paper chain, hung up twinkle lights, threw some toys and balloons on the floor, let Casey loose and started snapping pictures. Here's what I captured...

I love it! I had so much fun taking these pictures and, more importantly, Casey had a great time.

Here's how I made the countdown pieces...
1. I ordered ten pieces of plexiglass from
2. I created a countdown design on my silhouette, and cut out the vinyl in various colors.
3. I used transfer tape to put the vinyl on the plexiglass. And done!

Happy Birthday Bubba!!

1 comment:

  1. These pics are just gorgeous, Becca - you do a wonderful job!
